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The Drama of Being with a Narcissist

Oh the drama of it all! Have you found yourself in a situation with a narcissist and felt not only mentally drained but physically exhausted as well? It’s likely due to all the drama they subject you to.

Narcissists need to win. They need to feel like they come out on top in every situation, and to do so, will wear you down with the dramatics. This serves not only to exhaust you, but also as a distraction technique to pull you away from the real issues: that you have called them out on their behaviour.

After being with a narcissist for a couple of years, there were some comments thrown around that when I look back now, I can laugh at. When you decide to not fight back with a narcissist, they do not behave like an adult and walk away. They will keep going, bring on the dramatics, and it’s like watching a toddler who doesn’t get their ice cream.

As a bit of dark humour relief, I have compiled some of the more dramatic and ridiculous comments or moments from my relationship. While there were some very dark moments, and I don’t want to trivialise anyone else’s experience with a narcissist, for me, I needed humour to get through the darker times. Looking back at some of these dramatic moments, they were indeed hilarious, and it makes me wonder why I was ever interested in being with a child.


“Fine then. I will only ever leave the house for work and that’s it.”


My partner would come home at 2 or 3 am on worknights, either drinking with friends or 'working.' When I mentioned wanting to spend more time together because I barely saw him, he made dramatic, outlandish statements like the above. He got angry, accusing me of expecting him to only work and come home. That's not quite what I was saying you Drama Queen!


“No one likes you; these are my friends. Go home.”


I literally spat my drink out when he yelled this at me in front of our friends. He was in a very angry state that night, I am not sure what set him off. But towards the end, it seemed as if he wanted to be the one that had more friends than me, he didn't like that I had friends...I mean, wow.


“I will delete all of my social media accounts and only have your number in my phone then.”


So dramatic. When I asked hm to spend less time on his phone, he went straight to drama instead of discussing it like an adult. He insisted on deleting everything and keeping only my details, claiming that's what I was forcing him to do.

“I do everything for you, and you can’t even pick up my jacket.”


This was an interesting one. I ended up staying at a freind's house that night because it got so bad. While the situation wasn't funny, the reason for his dramatic sulk was comedic gold for an adult man.

He threw an actual tantrum, waving his arms, yelling in my face and grabbing my arm because I didn’t collect his jacket after he left it behind at an event. He claimed it was my responsibility, and when I said I didn't know where his jacket was, he flipped out. The funniest part? The next day, he found it right in front of everyone he had yelled at me in front of. He looked like a complete fool. While I was inwardly jumping for joy at how stupid he looked, I knew I'd pay the price later. Narcissists hate looking like a fool even more than losing.


These are only some of the experiences I can recall as I write this blog, but there were many more. Looking back, these moments highlight just how dramatic it was to be with a narcissist. It’s ironic how narcissists often claim to “hate drama” while being the primary source of it. Their insatiable thirst for attention and validation, much like a toddler’s demand for ice cream, can be both exhausting and in hindsight, somewhat comedic.

For anyone currently dealing with a narcissist, remember that their behaviour is a reflection of their own insecurities and need for control, not a reflection of your worth. Finding humour in the absurdity of their antics can be a coping mechanism, but it’s also essential to seek support and set boundaries to protect yourself.


Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional advice, treatment or diagnosis. Always seek the advice of a professional in these circumstances. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


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